Mommy Makes Gracie A Sundress

It wasn't super simple...but it wasn't super easy either. It is super pretty on her isn't it though?!!

She seems to really like it, and the purse I made to match. It is a nice cool fabric and makes her feel very "fancy."

I don't always have the time, but I sure do love making things for my very girly-girl!

Now, I just have to learn how to make things for Thomas. I am thinking; bow ties. I love them, and it would be something I made for him like all of the hair bows, quilts, dresses and more that I have made for her.

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3 Responses to "Mommy Makes Gracie A Sundress"

  1. Candice12:16 PM

    So pretty!

  2. Beautiful dress and beautiful Gracie!!

  3. What darling dress, Barbara! You did it again, but then you do a great job at whatever you do - cakes, crafts, etc. And Gracie does look very lovely, too. . . .


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