Best Friends Forever

I thought the picture above speaks louder than words to describe this day!

Rebecca's mom and I planned this over a week ago.
She was taking Rebecca to Kings Dominion for her birthday, and since we were so close, she was going to bring Rebecca over.
I decided it would be wise to wait until the last possible minute to tell Gracie. Especially since they weren't coming to our new house until their last day of their vacation.
You wouldn't have thought so much as moment had passed since these two girls had last seen each other. But, I guess that is what it is like with real friends (yes, I heard you Ruth!).
Rebecca brought Gracie the prettiest stuffed horse with a purple bow (for Strasburg of course), and a set of best friend necklaces!
Gracie didn't quite get the concept of it, and I told her how my best friend Helen and I had those when we were in school.
Of course hers and Rebecca's necklaces have pink on them which is much better I am sure.

Once Thomas was up from his nap we went to lunch and they were just as tight there.
They ordered the same lunch and colored together, and then told secrets! It brought tears of joy to watch my daughter and her best friend play and share.

After lunch we took the girls to Gracie's new school and they played for a while on the playground. But good Lord was it hot! So, we didn't stay long.
We came back to the house and the girls got to play some more before the inevitable heartache began....Rebecca had to go home.

But, what a wonderful day for two very special friends. I still get so happy and smiley thinking about their reunion.
Now THAT's a best buddy! You can see it all over their faces! What a special day!