Sign Of The Times

Our second attempt to enroll Gracie into the closest elementary school was a success.
I was so impressed, and relived, to see what a friendly staff they have there. The ladies gushed and gushed over how beautiful Gracie was and how pretty her dress and matching bow were (my kind of ladies!), and of course they all couldn't stop commenting on Thomas and what a good big sister he had.
I say "second attempt" becuase we went last week with all the papers we needed, but they were renovating, and the office ladies had been booted out and sent to use the library where their paper work wasn't. They were super friendly and apologetic at that visit too and told us to come today.
Gracie attempted to help keep Thomas quiet while I filled out a novels worth of paper work for my first grader to enter school.
I am used to paper work, although it seemed like a double helping compared to last year. I am guessing because she was a transfer student--who knows. But, it was more of the questions and information requests that made up that paperwork that kind of stunned me.
I don't have any clue what my parents had to fill out, but I doubt it was things like: race (very precise options by the way), proof of state residency, proof of US citizenship, a box to mark if you child is homeless..
Seriously, it was a rather in-depth portion for homelessness. It asked you to check a box for where you "resided" in a homeless manner. I only skimmed it, but it gave like 6 options including "a vehicle," and "a shelter." I shouldn't make light of this, but I was completely taken off guard by this and several other portions of the paper work. And no, I didn't see "cardboard box" as an option.
There as an ENTIRE page dedicated to custody. Seriously, a whole 8.5 x 11 that listed at least 10 options of to whom your child was in custody.
I started to wonder how many parents were able to check the first, and least descriptive box that said something along the lines of "married, no custody paperwork."
I remember last year thinking and wondering how much Gracie was in a minority for having a traditional, well maybe a better word is old-fashioned, nuclear family with both parents at home. Not only does she live with both parents, there are no steps and halves and former, and ex anything in her life. What used to be the norm, is now the exception and I don't really know how to process it. It isn't something I am really proud of or anything, I guess my best feeling is one of "thankfulness" and "blessed." It kind of makes this move seem small when it comes to the "upsets" that other kids face in their lives.
So, after I did all but give a blood sample, our Gracie was added to the pile of registered Mechanicsville Elementary School students.
I was given a page with some dates for open house and other pre-school activities. As well as a school list.
At first I was really almost angry at the large (and what I perceived as ridiculous) amount of items. But, then I took Gracie to get said items at Walmart and we spent less than $30, so I really can't complain about that.
So, Gracie is enrolled, she has her school supplies and snagged a Princess backpack earlier this month. She is one very excited first grader.
You'll have to stay tuned for more excitement and adventures from school, which starts September 7th by the way. And, she seems okay that she will be a "Cardinal" now since red is one of her favorite colors. But, she is sure to say (as I have reminded her over the past few months) "I will always be a Ram!"
Sounds like you may have a large number of homeless living in your area or something. I do know that ther's a lot invovled in the transfer of records. Hopefully her former school will get everything mailed to her new school prior to the first day. She will do great! Kids are so much more adaptable than us!