The Tooth Fairy Forwads

Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy got the new address.
Gracie's very wiggly tooth that she has been "fiddling" with for the past several MONTHS finally decided to make its gory exit in the most "exciting" way possible.
I won't even blog about the past few days, because I neither have the energy nor the writing prowess to allow to completely picture the events that took place as my husband and I single handedly (yep, just the two of us literally!) moved us and all of our possessions out of a THREE STORY TOWN HOME and into a two level single home without water or power.
But, back to Gracie's tooth.
I was driving Gracie and Thomas back to the new home with Grandma in tow for added child distraction when "Mr. Wiggles," as we had dubbed the pesky tooth, decided that this would be his grand "moment."
So, at an already stressful 55 miles an hour, in the back seat, my child lost her tooth while eating Cheese Doodles.
Gracie announces shortly after the second (or maybe it was third) stop, and well into an hour of a fussing baby's cries that her Cheese Doodle was "bloody."
I look in the review mirror and notice that the tooth is bloody, and is hanging low in her mouth.
[This is where my mother informs me that I scared her and possibly made the situation far more dramatic]
I tell Gracie "your tooth is about to fall out, grab a tissue."
My concern was not for the blood or the bag of Cheese Doodles she was scarfing down--but the fear of her swallowing her tooth.
As if the constant wiggling, and the noise it makes, and the blood and blue/purple color it turns weren't bad enough--the thought of my child swallowing her tooth freaks me out! Each time she has had a loose one I think I may obsess over it more than she does. I don't think it will hurt her to swallow it, but the idea turns my stomach. And now, typing the very notion, my stomach churns!
So, she becomes instant drama queen and whines in her "panic" whine and she touches the tissue (finally!) to the top of her mouth and instantly the tooth falls in to the tissue.
Grandma heroically takes the bloody tissue and saves the pain-in-the-toshy tooth and hands her more and more tissues, because it is in fact "a bleeder"--ew!!
Gracie is proud that the tooth is gone and her constant talking resumes for the remainder of the trip. But, it takes a little of the stress away since the large hole in her mouth now makes her talk funny. Of course she can't hold in the excitement and uses my phone to share the big news.
The tooth fairy was sure to visit Gracie on her first night in her new house last night and left her a shiny gold coin in place of "Mr. Wiggles."

Logan swallowed his first loose tooth. He was eating pizza and swallowed it right down with the pepperoni and everything. . . .