Mother Goose, A Month Later

Well, mommy is still loving Mother Goose story time at the library, and as I suspected--Thomas seems to be really enjoying it too.
Although, I am starting to notice he is one of the only boys in the growing (rapidly!) group. Hmmnm, wonder why?!! Maybe it is because those cute little girls are much like my Gracie and they sit there in their cute little outfits and LISTEN to the story and the story teller?!!
The group has grown so much in fact, that they moved us today to the conference room. All the parents and "babies" couldn't fit in the room set aside for story times.
Of course my son loved having all of the extra room to run around and be...well...himself.
No one seems to mind. It's not like he goes around punching out the girls or anything, he is just active. There are a few other active ones in the group as well, and are all mingling a little more in the middle of the circle, while the cute well behaved kids watch on and probably "tsk, tsk" in their heads.
Now, he is getting something out of it. Not only is he socializing (some) with other kids (something poor Gracie was deprived of), but he will stop and listen to the story, and there are times he will play along to the songs. It isn't much of the thirty minutes when he is paying close attention--but he only 19 months, I can't expect him to be perfect...or Gracie...or any one else, but his rambunctious sweet little self.
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