The Birthday Delima

(if you don't want to read all of my ramblings on the subject, scroll down to the bottom where I list the limitations)

I have two children, whose birthdays are five weeks apart in the winter season, and we live in a new place where we know next to no one.

It is no secret that I make every occasion a big deal for my children, and that includes made up occasions, and random occasions--so when it comes to birthdays--mommy makes a HUGE fuss.

Their birthdays are the days my two precious babies came into my life, and changed it forever. They are the reason I breathe. I would sky write how important they are if I could.

The birthday "situation," has been on my mind for months now. You all know me well enough to know I start planning for the kids birthdays way before they actually get here.

Okay, truthfully, I have been thinking about how the kids are going to be jipped on their birthdays since the move--but I am trying to be proactive now.

Poor Thomas. This is only his second birthday. I know that the second child can never have what the first one had. But, poor thing, Gracie was so much the center of my world--I turned everything upside down for her. Her first birthday party had so many people they could barely fit in mom's house. Her Christening was a blow out with so many, many guests, including two families to traveled from Tennessee.

Thomas' first birthday was nearly snowed out, and no one wanted to come to his Christening party because it was father's day.

Okay, so he won't know any different (even though I will), but what in the world do I do about Gracie?

Lets see: her first birthday as I mentioned was HUGE, she had a very small 2nd birthday because we were all still grieving over Lou, she had 2 third birthday parties: one with the girls from the apartment, and then a big family one in Tennessee, her fourth birthday she was able to celebrate at school, and at home with some extended family, birthday #5 was crazy, but she got her very first friends party with all of her little preschool friends, #6 was the birthday that never ended: she went out to dinner with just her and daddy (thanks to Thomas!) then mommy was so upset, she took her out again, she got a mini party at school, and then a Barbie party at the house with all of her favorite grown up people.

Loving the re-cap so far? I guess I am trying to just share with you what is going on in that wondering mind of mine.

So this year?

I discussed a possible plan with the kids last night, but to be honest, it just doesn't seem fair, or right, or special at all.

I told the kids they would celebrate their special days with us. They could pick a restaurant and mommy would make a cake. Then, I would pick a day and they would have a joint birthday maybe in Strasburg where they could celebrate with all of the friends and family they miss.

But, let's be honest. 1. it is winter, travel and weather will put a cramp in the plan. 2. we can invite people, but it doesn't mean they will come and I will have to take everything 2.5 hours for possibly a low to no turnout. 3. the general assembly is in session for both of the kids birthdays and daddy will be out of commission so I will likely have to do it all myself.

So, I have no idea what to do. I would love any PRODUCTIVE suggestions. I am not whining, I really don't know what to do. I feel like the list of limitations is so huge. My kids are so special, and just glossing over their birthdays is not what I want to do, and it will in fact eat away at me.

So, put yourself in my position, and tell me what you would do.

Here is the long list of limits:

  • Kids birthdays are in winter months (Feb 9th & Mar 5th)--so you have the nasty weather problem.
  • They are only 5 weeks apart (which comes in to play later in my list)
  • I can't let Gracie have a "friend" party because we would have to invite and prepare for all 17 kids in her class which is expensive, and too much work for me to do alone with a toddler on my hip. Plus, she doesn't seem to talk about many kids in class but a few.
  • We are 2.5 hours from the closest family, and I can't have one child a party there and not another, and I can't expect family and friends to travel here (2.5 hours!) twice.
  • Garren will likely not be able to help, or attend, so I am solo with two kids for any party.
  • I have a few people I know here, but they don't know the kids, and they work/have family responsibilities of their own.

So seriously--what would you do? And if you like the co-party idea, how do I make sure it is special for both of them with their vast age and interest differences?

I know this sounds silly, but think about your kids, and tell me that their birthdays meant almost as much to them as it did to you.

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4 Responses to "The Birthday Delima"

  1. Have a family party for each--just the 4 of you on their birthday!

    Have grandparents (both sets if possible) come in and spend the weekend. All can go to the Children's Museum in Richmond, then out somewhere special to eat.

    You'll have extra hands to help watch over the kids and you will be doing something that you may never have done before!

  2. Candice5:01 PM

    Okay, I already talked to you about taking a snack to school for Gracie. I would also ask Gracie to choose two special friends from school. Then you could send a letter to their parents asking them to contact you via phone or email. Maybe you all could set up a fun time for just Gracie and one or two friends at Chuck E. Cheese, the bowling alley, skating rink, or some other fun place. As for Thomas, I'm clueless. I still think it's a great idea to reserve the church fellowship hall in Strasburg to have a celebration for both of them between their birthdays. Maybe you could send one big invitation to the church you used to attend and invite the whole church.

  3. I think you put WAY too much pressure on yourself, but I know you well enough to know that you will not rest until you have something special figured out. So. . . let me think for awhile and I'll get back to you. . . . .

  4. I'm not 'Anonymous' - I'm "Aunt Ruth', but the darn thing won't let me choose any options at Name/URL.


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