Slick Wait For No Bus

I guess her snow dance worked.

Gracie and I waited and waited at the bus stop this morning with sleet coming down.

I am aggravated because there is sleet and I am about to put my baby on the bus, and because the bus is super late and I am cold.

Thanks to a woman on her way to work, we were informed as we waited in the sleet, that the schools were on a two hour delay.

"Well, Barbara, why didn't you check to see if they were delayed before you left the house?"

"I did!"

The only way school information works people is if you update it BEFORE parents and kids leave for the bus!!!

Now, while I am attempting to breathe--I checked the website (silly me!) and they apparently announced the delay on the NBC station.

At home we had this lovely little thing called "School's Out." It was an electronic system that sent an email to you to let you know that the school was on a delay or cancellation. This school system doesn't use such technology. They insist you rely on their website or local channels.

I guess next time I will have to turn the TV on while I am doing a million other things to get her out the door!

Mommy is a bit aggravated this morning! But, Gracie is watching a Barbie movie and Thomas is still asleep and this might be my only quiet time today--so, I better get over it--quick!

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1 Response to "Slick Wait For No Bus"

  1. Candice4:52 PM

    That is NUTS! Even Greene County uses Community Safe call system. Our director sends out a call way early to let everyone know what's going on. We actually just got the call to let us know schools will be closed again tomorrow. Of course, prior to the call system, we listening to the local radio station and watched local tv stations.


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