Best Present Ever

I do not have very good pictures of the best present ever--but that is only because I couldn't get my very excited toddler to stop long enough to get the camera to focus!
So, let's start at the beginning.
Thomas was sent some birthday money from Candice & Aunt Sharon. Since he has every Fisher Price toy from our local Walmart, I got brave and found the closest Toys R Us.
Well, I found the same problem there I found else where: there aren't many options for boys his age. He can't have toys that aren't rated for his age (like I did with Gracie), because you never know what he will do with it (stick it up his nose, flush it...etc). So, that leaves baby toys (which won't teach him things, or grow with him), and a very limited amount of toys for boys for his level.
So, frustrated, I made another round through the store. We came to the outdoor play toys area, and I saw this box with a clearance sticker on it. It was a turtle inflatable pool looking thing, and I almost dismissed it out of hand, but then I saw on the side that it was a 3-in-1 toy and it came with balls.
How cool would that be--to have your own ball pit?!!
But, only 10 balls? We needed more!
I asked the sales lady where and if they sold extra balls, and she pointed me in the direction of the sports equipment.
Thomas didn't seem that interested in the square boxes, but he had no idea the fun in store. He did pick out another (overpriced!) car, and he happily played with it as I found these other two goodies.
It was long past nap time when we got home, so he didn't get it right away.
But, shortly before I knew he would wake up, I blew it up and Gracie helped me add all of the 110 balls.
Words can not express the fun my son has had with this ball pit. Of course words can not express the tantrums that his sister had either because I forbade her to get inside the turtle (she is too big and would pop it--but she is allowed to play with the balls and with him in it).
So, a big thank you to Aunt Sharon & Candice for Thomas' best present ever--he loves it!!
I'm so glad he got something he likes! Yay!