Potty Sucess!

Three cheers for Thomas!
He went potty today!
Of course I am not sure he even knows he did it, nor am I sure he had any idea why I was making such a HUGE fuss.
But, that's the life and mind of a toddler I guess.
We had bought him a potty last week thinking that we might start to introduce him to the concept.
I was a little leary, but Garren was so sure he was ready. But, you can't blame me for being gun-shy (no pun intended), Gracie was THREE before she finally decided to use the potty. And we started her out at a year and a half!
Well, Thomas LOVED the potty. He would hit on it and scoot it around. And he LOVED even more getting naked. Just like a boy I guess. So, while I would chase Gracie to get her to sit on the potty--I now chase Thomas from running all over the house naked *after* sitting on the potty. He would live his life "free as a bird" if I let him. Of course I would live my life cleaning the carpet from my bird too!
This evening I sat him on it (in front of the TV, that is the only way he will sit on it for more than a minute--he is too busy!) and we sang songs and he watched Sprout.
My oven beeped for dinner, so I told Gracie to read to him while I quickly got dinner out of the oven.
I hear Gracie reading and I thank her. And she says "your welcome, but he isn't sitting on the potty any more."
I run to the living room to find my joyful toddler hopping around the living room naked from the waist down.
I hurry to grab a diaper (which I should have gotten before I started! It has been a long day). I go to move the potty so I can lay him down to put it on him and I see he had gone piddle.
We jumped and cheered and he joined in!
I let him flush the big potty after I dumped his little one (he LOVED that!), I let him put a sticker on the chart I made him (he wanted to put more on), I gave him an M&M (he really loved that, and really wanted more), and I kept praising him over and over.
He loved all the excitement, but I am almost positive he has no clue what it was about. But, he got a sticker, and candy, so he is good.
Now, lets hope for more successes.
Oh, and let's hope that Gracie doesn't demand more M&M's when she goes potty from now on. Seriously--when is the jealousy over!!! (Daddy caved and gave her one and told her what a good girl she was in a baby voice thinking it would deter her. Mommy knew it would only make her beam. I was right. )
Way to "go" Thomas!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are "doing" a great job! :)
You have already surpassed Uncle Brian at that age. I hope you won't need a tree. ;) You will need to ask Aunt Dawn how he is "doing" now.
Keep up the good work. Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of you!
We love you!!!!
Woo hoo!
ReplyDeleteOh, I dread potty training!