Big Boy Story Time

We had been going faithfully each Tuesday to Mother Goose story time at the local library. That group is meant for 6months to 24 months. And even though the lady always says the kids can keep going as long as they are comfortable--I thought we could give the next group a try.
Wednesdays and Thursdays they have toddler story time, which is for 2 year olds. This is a more traditional story time with reading of books, a few songs and a craft. The Mother Goose was rhymes and songs with one story and usually one movement activity.
I knew Thomas wouldn't react well to the change, and he was shy for the first activity which was a get up and move (before you have to sit down). But, once the new librarian starting reading he was completely into it. After the first book came songs. She started with "The Wheels On The Bus" which is his FAVORITE. I figured he would burrow himself back in my shoulder bone like he did for the "exercise," but no, he grinned his biggest grin and did the motions too!
They sang several more kids songs, most of which he knew, and then she read another story.
He started to get a little impatient, but the books of course are short, so it wasn't long before it was time for a craft.

Thomas loves crafts here at home--especially glue--so he loved making his own "cake." Mommy helped him with the cut out pieces, and then he added "sprinkles" all over the top. They had pie pans filled with all sorts of small items to be sprinkles. He especially liked the buttons.
Once he finished his craft he was ready to go. He headed to the door, but the lady was able to coax him over to show her his picture. He babbled on about it, and he very excitedly picked out a sticker from her sheet and got a coloring page.
I think the new group will be good for him.
The Mother Goose was so big that we had to move in to a conference room. There was easily 20+ kids the last week we went. This group is much smaller and more his age. Although, it is very noticeable how verbally behind he is. But, I am not thinking about that!
This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content and images as well! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel
ReplyDeleteGlad he enjoyed it!