Rock A Bye Your Bear

If you have a child, you have heard of the Wiggles. And, you may recognize the song below. Thomas is too cute doing the little hand motions that go with this very catchy kids song, so one day I recorded the Wiggles song from Sprout on the DVR, and I played it back for him today--having my camera ready of course!

Well, my camera is lousy with audio, so I have put the music from their CD behind the video I took.

Gotta love it!

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3 Responses to "Rock A Bye Your Bear"

  1. Candice5:31 PM

    Awww! He's a doll!

    Jolee already seems to like The Wiggles. I actually dreamed about the "big red car" last night. I just told Elliott that if they ever have a "concert" nearby, I want to take her. He does NOT like The Wiggles, and he says "unkind" things about them. Ha!

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Thomas, Mamaw has watched you wiggle with the Wiggles more times than she can count! You are a super special liitle guy and mamaw and papaw love you and Gracie so very much!

  3. Aunt Ruth7:35 PM

    I just had the best time watching him do the motions to the song. I think the one that tickled me the most was the part that, I think, went "bear's not asleep". CUTE!


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