Gracie's First Race!

She did it! She was freezing--but she did it!! Our Gracie completed her first ever race!

Mommy and Daddy kept our runner as warm as we could on this VERY cold morning in Richmond. Of course, I think her nervousness was adding to the chill in the air.

It seemed like forever, but finally the kids race time arrived and I left Daddy and Gracie at the start line.

Garren had originally planned to run the big 10K race, but waited to long to sign up, and all 40,000 spots filled up!

So, he ran with Gracie.

Mommy made a bee line for the finish line where every other parent was! And, there was no way to see my baby.

Well, that wasn't going to do.

I noticed that the other side of the finish line was pretty bare as far as spectators. I over heard another parent say "how do you get over there?" Someone replied, "you have to walk to the other end of the park and back again."

So, I started pumping my short, fat, slow legs and this mama made it to the other side to see my runner cross over.

I had to wait a while, even after that long hike. The kids race was divided into a staggered start with Gracie's group (5-7 year olds) being the last to go.

With freezing hands I waited, camera poised, in the best spot to capture her finish line moment.

We are so proud of our girl!
Way to go Gracie!!!

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1 Response to "Gracie's First Race!"

  1. Grandma and Grandpa11:33 AM

    Way to go Gracie!
    We hope you had fun. We are very proud that you set a goal, and finished it! Keep up the GREAT work!
    Congratulations!!!! :)


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