Mother's Day Blooms

I thought I would share the blooms on my Mother's Day rose bush. They started to bloom a few days ago, but this was my first chance to get a picture.

This is the bush Garren got me for Mother's Day.

As you can see it is still in the container it came in. I have no idea where to plant it (even though I told him I would rather have a plant than cut flowers). We have plenty of yard, but it is very well landscaped thanks to the landlords, and I think I am afraid it will get left behind when we move. Yes, I said *when* we are not huge fans of this house, so I don't think we will be renewing our lease after the 2 years are up.

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3 Responses to "Mother's Day Blooms"

  1. Mamaw7:18 PM

    Thomas, Mommy's roses are beautiful but they wouldn't be nearly so pretty without you and your big smile standing beside them! Love you little man!

  2. Candice12:11 PM

    Pretty! What a handsome little boy too!

  3. Grandma and Grandpa9:02 AM

    Thomas, you do a great job of showing off Mama's roses. The roses are beautiful and you are very handsome. We love you!


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