The Pool Is Out

It is plenty hot enough here for it, and what better way to start off the Memorial Day weekend?

The kids were thrilled when mommy inflated it and filled it with water. We have promised daddy again this year we will leave it up for a2-3 days then deflate and empty the water out so it doesn't do too much damage to his precious yard.
I think the kids will be getting a lot of splashes in this weekend. I don't know who turned the heat up so high, but if this is summer in Mechanicsville, I might not make it!
Of course you know who is dying for her pool here...Lucie!! She saw it the other day and went nuts. I think we are in for a miserably hot summer just like last year. After seeing these hot days in May, I can't imagine what July and August will be like. Let's start out countdown til winter!