Show & Tell Memory

So, Thomas loves Caillou. Okay he really, really LOVES Caillou! He goes in to a trance when the show is on, and nothing else goes noticed. I can call him, talk to him, jump on all fours--nothing. His gaze is fixed. I have no idea why he is fascinated with that show, but he knows when it comes on and even has the commercials before it memorize and will start shouting "Caillou! Caillou!" before the theme music starts. I have to record him during the theme song some time--he points out all of the characters, especially the grandpa. He shouts at the TV "Papa!!!"

Well, anyway, there are maybe 5 episodes of this show that they show over and over and over and over! Okay, maybe more than 5--but not by much.

So, the Show And Tell episode was on again today and again it reminded me of when Gracie was someone's show and tell.

If you have seen the episode, Caillou can't decide what to take to play school for his show and tell. Finally he decides on a surprise and his daddy brings in a wagon. Caillou pulls the blanket off the box on the wagon and there is Rosie, his baby sister.

When Gracie was just over a month old she went to show and tell. We were in visiting and we had to pick Mariah up from Kindergarten. Mariah was so excited to see baby Gracie (that she loved at that point because she saw her and then she was gone and she had grandma and grandpa all to herself again!). Mariah got to sit in the big rocking chair and her little classmates sat in a circle around her and she held Gracie and told all about her.

It was too cute.

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2 Responses to "Show & Tell Memory"

  1. Candice10:17 PM

    I will say that it's not one of my favorite cartoons. Jolee's favorite is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, especially the "Hot Dog Dance."

  2. Stella loves Caillou too! We get maybe 10 minutes of quiet with Elmo, but she'll sit for the entire episode of Caillou.


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