Summer Letter Writing Project

I decided that 30 would be a good ambitious number for summer. So, this summer you may get a letter from Gracie.
I made her a list of people she might want to write to and a paper to tally up those she has already written too.
Her only restriction: she can't write them all to Grandma. She has to choose 30 different people. She can write more than 30 if she wants and she has been told she can write to Miss. Anderson (who gave all of her class her address) as many times as she wants--but we are only writing her name down once.
So watch your mailboxes, and if you happen to get one--think on writing her back. And we are still excited about our postcard project, so keep those coming, we have already gotten 3 since I asked (thanks Sara & Abby!)!!
I'll write back!