Take Home Project

I say that-- to say-- the special Home Depot kids workshop this morning didn't go well. Actually, it didn't really go at all.
We went around 10:30 and I guess Mr. Early Riser was too sleepy and too TWO to join in the festivities.
The long and short of it. I drove the kids there. He stared tantrums in the car when he saw where we are. He continued tantrums as I signed the kids in and got the projects. He tried to run away from me twice when we found a spot to build. I apologized profusely to Gracie and loaded the kids and the undone projects in the car.
Daddy helped Gracie build her adorable tool box when we got home. Thomas was forced down for a nap.
I hate staying home all the time, but I honestly feel like sometimes it's just easier for all of us if we do! I know that these days will be over before I know it, and I should treasure every moment even if it's just playing here at home. I do miss going out to eat all the time though!