Soggy Halloween

If you are looking for lots of Halloween excitement here...prepare to be disappointed...I was :(

Actually, I think I am more disappointed than the kids. Halloween is a fun mommy holiday too you know (at least for those of us with little ones).

Garren didn't want to be as he said on eof "the lame ones out before dark." So, we waited until did the rain. Wasn't that nice of it?!

Now, we put the costumes on the kids in the rain. We walked around Heather's neighborhood (practically no one had lights on last year so we made plans to go over to her street) in the steady rain. We knocked on doors and said "trick or treat" in the heavier rain. And then came the downpour.

Thomas was having such a good time. He loved saying "trick reat!"

We did 3 houses, and then daddy's exact words to Gracie were "how about I go to Walmart and buy you the biggest bag of candy I can find and we call this a night?"

She was super okay with this arrangement. I was not. Not about the candy, but all that work and excitement to take my kids trick or treating was over in 10 minutes.

It could have been worse. He could have been older and understood more of what Halloween was all about and thrown a tantrum. Or as Heather put it "it could be 3 inches of snow!"

But, I am still a little sad. They were so cute!

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2 Responses to "Soggy Halloween"

  1. Grandma5:18 PM

    Yes, they are VERY CUTE!
    Maybe you could have tried "Trunk 'n Treat" at some churches. Also, here in Lynchburg, children are encouraged to go out before dark as it is much safer. Some Malls also give out candy.

  2. Candice4:59 PM

    They all start before dark around here. We were home from trick-or-treating before dark. Go early!!! Leave Garren at home next year, and go early! I'm sorry that it was rainy because I love Halloween. I think it is such a fun and exciting holiday!!


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