Home Deopt November

They had a cute set up inside Home Depot this morning when we took the kids. They had a camera and a place to have your child's picture taken to go with their craft.

Guess which "kid" wouldn't have a picture taken? Yep!

Daddy helped Thomas make his craft, and mommy helped Gracie. It was one of the easier projects, and their picture frames came out super cute!

Coincidentally I had gone to Walgreens and gotten several photos done. I couldn't decide between two photos to put in a car frame he has in his room...so I handed him the photos. One was of him in front of a race car the day I took him to the track, the other of him and Grandpa. He went running around the room showing everyone "pa-pa!!" "Ge-cee? Pa-Pa!!" "Ma-Ma? Pa-Pa!!!" "Da-Da? Pa-Pa!!!"

Too cute, huh?

So, the picture of him and Pa-Pa went in his Home Depot frame, the other in his car frame.

Gracie has the picture they took at the store. It is supposed to be a Veteran's Day photo, but we may swap it out when she finds one she likes as much as Thomas likes his.

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1 Response to "Home Deopt November"

  1. I haven't even attempted to take my munchkin to have pictures made since Easter. Yes, I'm a horrible mother I suppose. I know she'll scream. What's the point? I've just been taking my own.


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