Look Who I Got!

This is Zoe. She is Nina's little sister and my friend Heather's 6 week old daughter. I was thrilled to not only get to see her, but to hold her as well.
Heather and her sisters and brothers (all 5 of them total) came in for Christmas in Lynchburg and we were invited over last night for an open house.
We went, and had a good time, but it was very busy and hard to really chat--so we came back over this morning for a play date! Fun!
Gracie played Barbie with Carrington (Amy's daughter) and Thomas kind of ran around, but he attempted to play cars with Nina and baby Zoe too!
I got a few pictures today, and I was thankful that I caught Heather for a few seconds last night and her husband Fredy snapped a picture of us (well, minus the baby who was being shared :)

Do you have baby fever now? I get it sometimes, but all I have to do is go back and read my blog posts about all those sleepless nights. That cures it everytime!