Working Hard On The Potty
**note: trying to go back and post date and add entries is overwhelming and completely drains my excitement for blogging, so I am just going to start today--you really didn't miss much :) ***

Thomas is doing so wonderfully (now!) at potty training. In fact we have been out of the house 3 times this week without diapers!
I read somewhere that using disposable pants for training actually prolongs the process. Maybe that is why Gracie was 3 and a half before she would use the potty! So, I took the advice to heart and while the article suggested you could potty train a child in one week, I would say we are well on our way to a potty party at the completion of week 2!
Now, had we been extra consistent, and he had been less onry, we could have done it. But the fact that he will be potty trained before his 3rd birthday is a HUGE success for me--so I am not going to beat myself up over the data.
I snapped this picture (with my new phone--sticker for me for figuring that contraption out!) and it will likely embarrass him to no end when he is in high school--but it was rather fitting don't you think? He was "fixing" things in the bathroom with his drill. He is a toddler of many talents (aim not being one of them!).
I do plan to have a potty party for him when he no longer has accidents (which is right now, but I want to give him more time to iron the kinks out and go out of the house a little more). So many of you participated when I gave Gracie one, so if you would like to send a homemade card or you can find them at Hallmark, and/or send him a potty book or undies I think it would make him feel super special. Now, if we plan a visit to Strasburg or Lynchburg this month we will do it there so he has more people to be excited for him and I will take anything sent in the mail with me. (No mom, I have not even planned a trip, I was just thinking out loud)
Thomas is doing so wonderfully (now!) at potty training. In fact we have been out of the house 3 times this week without diapers!
I read somewhere that using disposable pants for training actually prolongs the process. Maybe that is why Gracie was 3 and a half before she would use the potty! So, I took the advice to heart and while the article suggested you could potty train a child in one week, I would say we are well on our way to a potty party at the completion of week 2!
Now, had we been extra consistent, and he had been less onry, we could have done it. But the fact that he will be potty trained before his 3rd birthday is a HUGE success for me--so I am not going to beat myself up over the data.
I snapped this picture (with my new phone--sticker for me for figuring that contraption out!) and it will likely embarrass him to no end when he is in high school--but it was rather fitting don't you think? He was "fixing" things in the bathroom with his drill. He is a toddler of many talents (aim not being one of them!).
I do plan to have a potty party for him when he no longer has accidents (which is right now, but I want to give him more time to iron the kinks out and go out of the house a little more). So many of you participated when I gave Gracie one, so if you would like to send a homemade card or you can find them at Hallmark, and/or send him a potty book or undies I think it would make him feel super special. Now, if we plan a visit to Strasburg or Lynchburg this month we will do it there so he has more people to be excited for him and I will take anything sent in the mail with me. (No mom, I have not even planned a trip, I was just thinking out loud)
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