The Scars Of Boyhood

We now have a matching set. Nice, huh?
The one on the left (his right) he earned on Monday. I honestly have no idea what exactly happened, I just heard the screams and ran to him and picked him up. It was minutes later as I am trying to get him calmed down that he says "kiss it! kiss it!!" I asked where, and looked down to see my shirt bloody. I immediately search him and find his knee oozing!
It was a bad cut (well, cuts). Gashes of skin were completely gone! While it looked bad, it wasn't "stitches bad" and I cleaned him up. A big band aid, a ride in the daddy car and a drink seemed to soothe his ache. Well, mostly, he had to be carried the remainder of the day, and the next day as well anytime he saw his band aid.
As for the other knee, that happened this morning while we were playing. He just plain tripped over his own two feet walking down the sidewalk.
He seemed to brush that one off much easier and even refused the band aid. We went back out to play as you can see.
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