Hot Race Track

So, the plan was to see cars in the Kroger parking lot this morning, but it didn't go quite so well.

We did the same thing last year, only I had taken Thomas to the big race track days before.

At Kroger there were many cars to look at--but just as many simulators that he was too little for and couldn't participate in.

We missed going to the track this time around since he decided to get his sisters germs, and miss his second day of preschool as well!

But, both kids seemed fine today, and daddy and I kind of decided on the spot to take them both to Richmond International Speedway.

Sounds fun right?

Well, it was...after we got there.

Daddy had never been to the race track, and I had never gone on the actual race day. I always took Thomas the Thursday or Friday before.

The line to get in to the parking lot was VERY long, but we made it, and Gracie got a chance to see the track and cars for the first time too.

We survived the traffic and the inebriated people, and now we had to over come the heat.

I had packed a well stocked bag with towels and wipes and ice water. I knew well the activities and the sun  and the walk that were involved in this process.  But, I have to admit, it was the hottest I had ever had at the track.

Thomas didn't seem to mind and daddy and I were fine. Do basic math to see who was the weakest (and whiniest link ;)

We stayed for about an hour and a half and Thomas saw tons of cars. There weren't nearly as many booths and games so we barely got any souvenirs this time, but I was okay with that--all that free stuff is fun, but it weighs you down!

We took two very hot and very tired kids back home, we knew they were out of energy and a massive storm was on the way.

I don't think we were home maybe an hour before that storm hit, and apparently it forced the race way late and it didn't end until 1:30 am!!  Good thing we didn't pop for tickets.  We often think about it for Thomas, but always decide he is just not quite old enough yet!

 **Oh, and we went out for dinner since we were all exhausted and tried the Steak-N-Shake. Super yum and super cheap!!! The kids ended up eating for free and we all got milk shakes! What a day!! ***

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