One Mommy, Two Kids!

..and two special days!!!

This is the first time since Thomas has been born that the kids both had something special going on on the same day!

I have never felt so pulled... and so guilty.

I expressed my panic on Facebook and I was overwhelmed with lack of sympathy (not that I was looking for it) and the comments about how "this won't be the last time", and "welcome to the world of motherhood", and "imagine having 3+.."

Maybe it won't be the last time (okay it won't), but it is the first time I felt I had to choose between my children. 

It was gut wrenching.

Now, before you point out the obvious: there is a father who lives her too, you have to know that daddy's schedule is not ordinarily flexible, and this time of year it is nearly impossible for it to bend at all.

Garren and I sat down and looked at  all the events for tomorrow:

8:45am: Gracie's awards ceremony for her 1st ever Principals List (all A's!!!) and a special award for academic improvement

9:00am: Drop Thomas off at preschool for his special day

10:00 am: Thomas' special birthday snack for me to bring in and share with the class

12:00 noon: Pick up Thomas from preschool

12:30pm: Thomas' birthday lunch party with his friends at Stevie B's

2:45pm: Gracie is home from school

I am eternally thankful that Garren can catch Gracie's awards ceremony, but I am bummed too. I want to see her walk across that stage.

Daddy has promised to video it--but it isn't quite the same.

I will take what I can get, and I will be grateful that I am not a single mom, because that would be impossible to pull off.  But, I do not look forward to the next time my children both need me--the pain of missing either one of them is unbearable.

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1 Response to "One Mommy, Two Kids!"

  1. indeed. be thankful that you're not a solo parent ;)


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