Shamrock 1K

Ah the DVR is a marvelous invention, and it is on my list of to p10--but that is mostly beacuse it is the only way I can watch what I want on TV.  The kids take up most of the time, and husband gets the that leaves mommy with naptime and my NCIS.

Anyway, this week during nap-time, I was fast forwarding through the commercials on my DVR'd show and caught a glimpse of a St. Patrick's Day Race with a Kids run. So I ran the commercial back and found out the details and signed Gracie up 24 hours before the dealine :)

This is Gracie's first race of the new year, and she seemed to have fun. Of course she got new clothes out of the deal since she doesn't own much green and has outgrown most of her running clothes (and all clothes in general!!)

When I signed her up I thought it was a 1Mile race, but daddy pointed out that the packet he picked up said "IK." Sure enough.  So, 1K is more than a half a mile, but less than a mile.

Regardless, my girl ran it in under 6 minutes!!

Super proud!!

Gracie has several other races she wants to run this spring, so she will have a lot more chances to get moving!

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