Rainbow Music
**A special thank you to Aunt Ruth for helping me coordinate colors with notes on the music. I knew that this would be a fun idea for the kids, but I didn't think about how I was going to be able to tell what note was what! :) ***
Both kids love this vintage-esque Fisher Price piano I got from a thrift store (yard sale, who remembers) many years ago, especially Gracie.
She is proud that she can follow the simple color coded music that we also have (that actually went to a newer alligator xylophone-- also Fisher Price, but the colors match up!!).
Anyway, I was in a thrift store last week when my mother was visiting, and she found a piano practice book that she was sure she used as a kid.
So, she bought it for Gracie, and I thought if I could match the notes, I could use colored pencils to color them in, and she would have new songs.
Well, the practice book is for a real piano, and most of the songs require two hands. Since we only have 8 keys, that was difficult.
But, I went online. And we all know you can find anything online! And, I found free music sheets! I used Ruth's guide
and colored in the notes and Gracie was beyond thrilled when she could hammer out the new simple tunes.
(We are easily amused in this house ;)
Of course now she wants me to print out even more, but hopefully she will continue to practice these for a while. I like to see her so excited when she figures something new out. She doesn't do "failure," very easily (wonder where she gets that from!) and far too easily will give up. So, to see her proud of herself is a wonderful thing.
And, yes, if she truly does enjoy the piano we will see about lessons and such. This is the part where I always insert "if we were still in Strasburg Aunt Ruth would already be giving her lessons..." but I digress.
Although, the piano may have to wait. Her newest music love is the guitar. Mommy scored an awesome Rapunzel guitar from the thrift store for $3, and she can't stop strumming! Daddy has promised new strings, and some lessons as he is re-learning to play the guitar too. Unfortunately, he didn't get his new "ax" at the thrift store, so he had to pay full price.
And if you want the printable music sheets--click here!
I printed off Happy Birthday, Ode To Joy (My favorite), Old McDonald, Amazing Grace, and a few more. And, I am sure I will be back to get even more when she masters the stack I have.

She is proud that she can follow the simple color coded music that we also have (that actually went to a newer alligator xylophone-- also Fisher Price, but the colors match up!!).
Anyway, I was in a thrift store last week when my mother was visiting, and she found a piano practice book that she was sure she used as a kid.
So, she bought it for Gracie, and I thought if I could match the notes, I could use colored pencils to color them in, and she would have new songs.
Well, the practice book is for a real piano, and most of the songs require two hands. Since we only have 8 keys, that was difficult.
But, I went online. And we all know you can find anything online! And, I found free music sheets! I used Ruth's guide
and colored in the notes and Gracie was beyond thrilled when she could hammer out the new simple tunes.
(We are easily amused in this house ;)
Of course now she wants me to print out even more, but hopefully she will continue to practice these for a while. I like to see her so excited when she figures something new out. She doesn't do "failure," very easily (wonder where she gets that from!) and far too easily will give up. So, to see her proud of herself is a wonderful thing.
And, yes, if she truly does enjoy the piano we will see about lessons and such. This is the part where I always insert "if we were still in Strasburg Aunt Ruth would already be giving her lessons..." but I digress.
Although, the piano may have to wait. Her newest music love is the guitar. Mommy scored an awesome Rapunzel guitar from the thrift store for $3, and she can't stop strumming! Daddy has promised new strings, and some lessons as he is re-learning to play the guitar too. Unfortunately, he didn't get his new "ax" at the thrift store, so he had to pay full price.
And if you want the printable music sheets--click here!
I printed off Happy Birthday, Ode To Joy (My favorite), Old McDonald, Amazing Grace, and a few more. And, I am sure I will be back to get even more when she masters the stack I have.
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