Mommy & Me

...and Bryce & Emmy and their mommy too.

Big thanks to Grace: Bryce & Emmy's mom for inviting us to tag along today at a Mommy & Me event in Richmond (somewhere--seriously, I had no clue where we were and I am thankful for Google Maps on my phone ;)

The event was inside and there were games and vendors and the Chick Fil A Cow, and real live band.

The other kids went from activity to activity--not mine. He did the game, spun the Chick Fil A wheel and won a stuffed cow, and then all he wanted to do was dance and listen to the music.

It was a good band. It was a group of 4 men, the leader of whom reminded me so much of Uncle George. That is probably why Thomas loved it.

They played kind of folksy sounding kids music that they wrote and performed themselves. I will have to go back and try and find the name of their band. They repeated it a few times, but it was very loud and busy in there and I just can't remember it now.  They did have CD's and I may have to get one--after I find their name again that is ;)

Thomas danced and danced. And then he was done, and ready to go.  But, we stuck around a for a short while longer as apparently they have door prizes at these events.

We won one.  We won a free week of camp at a gymnastics place!

After we left the main event, the kids had even more fun on the mini playground outside.  What a cute place to play.

We finished off with lunch at a Mexican place where the kids received free meals.

Not bad for the day--and a great way for the boys to have fun together outside of school.  Bryce and Thomas have had several play dates thus far, and they always have a good time and ask when they can play together again.

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1 Response to "Mommy & Me"

  1. Sounds like fun! I really wish J had a little friend.


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