The Last Day Of Three Year Old Preschool

I snapped a shot of him leaving the car and heading into preschool on the last day this morning.  The teacher just smiled, she knows me all to well!

We have had the best year. Thomas has made so many new and first friends.  When I registered him, the Director of the Preschool seemed a little dismayed at how small the class was. But, I ended up loving how small it was. All of us moms were able to chat and share and make play dates. It was a great year for both Thomas and Mommy.

Just like when Gracie went to preschool when she was 3, it forced me out of this house and to meet new people and do different things. I think I (and my sanity) is all the better for that change.

Of course we aren't completely finished with preschool activities. We have his bridging ceremony tonight, and a picnic tomorrow. But, it is still a big deal. So, I snapped another picture in the pick up line this afternoon.

And, if I didn't already LOVE just about everything about this place, I opened the bag they gave me at pick up time and found all sorts of goodies like Thomas' name plate for his hook and jobs calendar and birthday, along with his snack mat, and an ENTIRE photo album of school pictures they took, printed, and made for me!!!  His teachers also gave him 2 books and bottle of bubbles as a present. 

These ladies have been amazing all year, and I am thrilled that they will keep him next year. We chose the 3 days a week preschool class over the 4 days a week one.  Different teachers have the 4 day, and Mrs. Tammy & Mrs. Leslie take M, W, & F.  And, Thomas will keep a lot of his friends next year too as Eli, Matthew, and Bryce will also go three days a week.

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1 Response to "The Last Day Of Three Year Old Preschool"

  1. Awwww! I'm so happy that he had a great experience. It seems as though you found a great preschool for Thomas just like you did for Gracie!


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