Thomas' First Field Trip

Technically, it was an "un-field trip," but it was a blast all the same.

The three year old class in Kitty's Kids preschool do not get a field trip for the year, that is an honor for when they ride to the four year old class.

But, you know me.

Since there are only 7 kids total, I asked the other moms what they would think about taking all of them on a fun outing together.

I am so glad they were on board.

All but one child was able to attend, and the kids had so much fun playing together outside of class.

We moms all met with the kids and siblings at Maymont this morning.  I was kind of worried since the weather was not on our side, but the rain held off and we all were able to walk the entire path we planned, and make it back before the rain started.

We all dressed the kids in their blue Kitty's Kids t-shirts, and I had Garren bring home some press tags and I made them cute little name tags. I also added a fun "scavenger hunt" to the back.  The kids had fun crossing off all of the fun things to do, and I was glad we were able to get to them all.

I of course had the kids pose for tons of group shots, and it wasn't until I got home and downloaded them, that I saw how blurry they all were!  My camera is never consistent and most of the time I get one good shot out of 20, but when it comes to things outside, I don't usually worry.  The over cast skies reeked havoc with my trusty camera, so I don't have a lot of great ones, but I am glad to have what I got.

The kids had such a fun time looking at the animals and crossing the bridges and seeing the fish and having a picnic.

So much fun infact, that I am thinking about how we can have some group summer play dates.

This has been such a fun year for Thomas, and me too. He has made many little friends and lots of good memories.  I am very thankful for preschool and all it has done for Thomas...and mommy!

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