My Fourth Grader

...isn't all that happy to have the school year end.

I was prepared for her being a little mixed up since she has been all week, but I wasn't prepared for the very sad face I got when I met her at the bus stop.

She loved her fourth grader shirt I made her that she wore today. She loved that it was movie day and they picked one of her movies (Ratatouille) to watch. She loved packing her Brave bag full of games and beach towels to play with her friends.

She even loved the chalk message I left her to see when the bus driver opened the doors.

But, a few steps and a few minutes past the end of third grade, my new fourth grader broke into tears.

"Everyone was cheering and saying "yea!" for the end of school.  They wouldn't stop!"

My poor Gracie. As heart breaking as it is to see her cry--her not wanting school to end is a reason I can handle.

Now, I have two sad pandas who are unhappy that the summer is here.

It didn't help that I had rescheduled her dental appointment and the only day I could get (for the foreseeable future) was today and a huge storm blew into town and knocked the power out WHILE she was in the dentist chair having her teeth polished.  And, said storm kept me from getting her promised treat.

It was a tough day for Gracie.

But, the storm cleared, as did her tears and we celebrated the last day of school with daddy over ice cream.

**I am not in the habit of taking pictures of my children crying, and I was snapping pictures of her getting off the bus, and she broke into tears as I was snapping.  I happened to find that heart breaking shot on my SD card when I downloaded it.  But, I would say her face says it is all, and it is blog-worthy***

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1 Response to "My Fourth Grader"

  1. Awwww! I'm sorry that she is so sad. I have had kids cry like crazy, and I had some this year hanging on me begging to not go on to 5th grade. Of course, I didn't share in their feelings at all. I guess it's a kid thing.


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