Third Grade Awards Day

First let me say how wonderful my new camera is doing. I got another rugged camera, but this one is several models ahead--in fact it is the "latest" model (In the Barbara-is-cheap-so-she-buys-off-brand category anyway).  The old camera was wonderful outside and it was indestructable, but it took pretty lousy indoor pictures.  This one won't get any photography awards, but it is light years better! Which is wonderful since most of their school things are inside. Now, I haven't worked out the kinks yet and while it is very similar to my old one, I still need to learn it and get back in the habit of having a real camera and taking my time instead of trying to panic and snap anything with that phone.  So,I have some blurry ones from today--but some good ones too, and I think with practice they will only get better.

Now, about my Gracie.

They combined third grade awards and third grade choral concert into one big morning.  The kids sang songs in between the announcement of awards.  And, before the awards/concert--Mrs. Joyner gave each of her kids a special award in the classroom during a special presentation for us parents.

Gracie was given the Awesome Attitude Award, which I couldn't help smile about, She has her moments, and she can be so shy, but she is a very positive child.

At the awards ceremony she earned Principals List for getting all A's for the last 9 weeks. Through out the entire school year Gracie has only brought home one B and ALL A's!  She also got Outstanding Attendance since she only missed 2 days all school year. And she was given an All Star Award for Academics.

They don't give out as many awards in third grade apparently, but we are super proud of all she has accomplished and I know she is too.

I did video all of the songs, but it is going to take me a while to upload and get them on here, so you will have to be patient in waiting for a video of 100 third graders singing patriotic tunes...out of tune ;)

And, the kids had a pretty awesome day. After class awards, school awards and singing, they got to go outside and play games with their parents that we moms & dads brought in. And they had an option to pre-order a Chick-Fil-A lunch (which we did) and have lunch outside too. The rain held off and the kids really got to have a wonderful Monday with their friends and their families.  And, I got to watch my Gracie in her final days as a third grader, and get lots of pictures.

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1 Response to "Third Grade Awards Day"

  1. Gracie, I'm super proud of you! Way to go!!!


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