Dixie Stampede

Today was Gracie's special day in Tennessee. It wasn't planned ahead of time, but Mamaw & Papaw really wanted to take her to Dixie Stampede.

If you have never been, it is all a girl could want to see: horses, girls in big dresses, a dinner show, and drama.

I took drug Garren to see it when we were dating, and I loved every minute. He tolerated the evening and ate the dinner I didn't eat.

Gracie was in awe as I figured she would be.

Daddy and I stayed behind and watched the boys, so I only have second hand information, but she LOVED it, and Mamaw admitted to watching Gracie watch the show more than she watched it herself. (I would have too!)

Mamaw took my camera, but they got there a little later than they hoped, and you can't take pictures inside the show--but I will take what I can get!

PS: I did not pack for Gracie to go to this special show, so I did what any over-the-top mom would do--I made an outfit 6 hours from home. All I needed was a trip to Goodwill, some bandanas and the use of Mamaw's sewing machine, and ta-da!

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2 Responses to "Dixie Stampede"

  1. I remember going to Dixie Stampede when I was younger. So fun! She looks so grown up.

  2. Love the outfit idea! I'm glad she had the chance to go because I know that kids just LOVE Dixie Stampede!


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