Summer Sewing

A few weeks ago I told you I was re-organizing the "memory tubs" in the attic, and trying to turn 4 large totes of Gracie things into 2.  Well, I think I also admitted to not making it, but I did downsize to three--so that's something.

Anyway, I found tons of mushy things inside the totes, and I found just as many things that I felt like were a shame that that were put in a box where no one would see them

So, over the weekend, I put all of the cards that I saved from the totes (She had over 200 cards--she is one LOVED little girl!) into these pretty decorative photo boxes A.C. Moore had on sale. I have not yet gone through Thomas' totes yet as he still only has 2 in the attic, and summer seems to suck away any little bit of free time I might have had when the kids were in school.

I digress.

In Gracie's tote I found the Big Sister sweatshirt that Mamaw & Papaw got her to celebrate Thomas.  It was a size 6, and I think she may have worn it a handful of times. It seemed like such a waste!

So, I had an idea.

I cut the logo off the sweatshirt and made it into a great little pillow she can put on display in her room!  She loved it, and I loved that I was able to do something useful with that very thoughtful (and probably very expensive) gift. 

Of course Thomas liked it a lot too.  A lot a lot.

Well, I had the machine out, and ordinarily I wouldn't do something for the other child just because they were being jealous, but both of them deserved special pillows.  There was a t-shirt that Karen Tignor gave him when we moved from Strasburg that I LOVED! He wore and wore and wore it all the time. She bought him a size 4T and worried it was too big.  Well, we got so many years out of that special gift, and I knew I would save it and put it away in a tote eventually.

The t-shirt was still in his closet drawer, but he hadn't worn it for awhile, and I knew he probably wouldn't again since we are mostly in 5T things now.  So, about 20 minutes later he was snuggling his own special pillow.

Funny how the summer brings all sorts of free time for the kids, and it leaves me with very little.  Hopefully I can get in a few more projects before fall gets here.  I do so much enjoy making things for the kids.

**I saved the scraps from Gracie's sweatshirt too.  I looks like her dolls will be getting a few skirts and/or dresses out of the material which conveniently has elastic already in it!**

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1 Response to "Summer Sewing"

  1. you are a rock star! I LOVE this idea!!


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