Four In The House

Thomas' preschool friend Rebecca and her baby sister Rachel spent the morning and early afternoon with us and all four kids seemed to have a great time.
We played kitchen and grocery store and restaurant and every combination in between.
And, Rebecca wanted to go for a walk, so I cleaned up the old wagon, and Gracie let her put babies in the pram Mamaw got her for her birthday last year and we looked like quite the sight going around our neighborhood--but in a cute way!
WE played outside, we played inside, I made Rachel a hair bow because her curls kept getting in her face (so, I could go down as an overachiever crafting while caring for four kids, but I have decided it was practical and not at all show-offy!).
And, while the older kids had fun playing with each other, it was neat to have a baby in the house again.
I think I summed it up perfectly in my Facebook status:
"I haven't spooned tiny bits of baby food, or changed tiny diapers, or held milk bottles in such a long time. It felt simply wonderful and refreshing, and not at all like exhausting work."
**PS: Gracie was in heaven with a baby "sister" in the house!***
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