Four...And A Half

Technically you turned 4.5 on August 9th. I really wish I did a lot of things better, but one of those is keeping up with your interests and what you are doing and saying at stages in your life.  So many moms will make a large list on each month or at least each year--and I am not very good at that--but I blog about everything, so you will have more than enough to complain to your psychiatrist about.

At age 4.5

*You are still obsessed with Tow Trucks! To be honest I am not sure when and where that obsession occurred, I blame your Uncle Brian.  But, the phase has not gone anywhere.

*You would rather play with your "widdle cars" than anything else.  We counted and you now have 304 Matchbox/Hot Wheels cars, and you love them all.  And, mostly, while you play some with the accessories, you just like to line them up where ever you are.  You put as many as you can fit in your Jake & The Never-land Pirates treasure box and carry them wherever you think there someone who will play them with you!

*You jump when you walk.  You jump over speed bumps, cracks in the pavement, separators in the sidewalks, different brick areas.  You just jump, jump, jump and give no notice to an unsuspecting mama who is always holding your hand!

*You love to ride your bike--and you are really good at it!  Daddy says you will have those training wheels off in no time, and I bet he is right.

*You are currently so moody and whinny that I just about can't stand it--but I am pretty sure I know that 80% of the reason is because you miss school and your friends and all the structure that school time brings.  The rest is a combination of age, sister troubles, and you just plain want to do what you want to do like all other humans.

*You always want to know what your job is.  Whenever daddy or I start giving out "orders" to help make something happen or get things done, you are very disappointed if you aren't given a job right away and demand "whats my job?!"

*That being said, you are a super helper! You love to help and if daddy or I ask you to do something you do it right away (most of the time) and you do it the right way!  We are so proud of you!

*You ask millions of questions. That is not something new. You used to ask more like 5,000 a day, and you have upped your number!  Mamaw says that is a sign of genius. I figure at this rate you are the smartest kid on the planet!

*And you don't just ask questions. You talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, all day long.  But we all love your observations and quotes.

*Chewey remains your best friend.  But, your bedtime friends have grown in number. Now you have to sleep with: Little Bear, Clifford, Maisy, giraffe, caterpillar AND seahorse. I think your sister is rubbing off on you.

*You eat some better than you used to, but I still worry that you don't eat enough to "keep an ant alive."  And, mostly you live off milk and Cheese-Its

*You are always sorry when you do something wrong. You don't argue or make excuses, you immediately tell whomever you have wronged "I sorry (fill in name).

*You are in a new phase where you must know "what that sign says?!" and you are quite miffed if we don't know what sign you are talking about. Thankfully you seem to retain the signs significance and will then see a duplicate sign somewhere else and tell us what it means.

*You have a great imagination (you get that from me) and you are fun to play with. You make up great adventures and now you have Chewey "talk" to so we know how he is feeling.

*Fire. You talk very much about fire and you can see the fear in your eyes and hear it in your words. You are always worried about our house or someone else's house catching on fire. Not sure where you picked up that fear, but we remind you (sometimes multiple times a day) that our house is not on fire at all.  You are also now consumed with finding the fire alarms in stores, restaurants, and buildings. We sat very close to one in the Red Robin just a few weeks ago and we talked non-stop about it what it does and how only grown ups can pull it and only in emergencies, and now you spot them every where we go.

*You are a loving little boy, you give hugs, snuggle and give the sweetest kisses.  And, that makes the fact that you still get in our bed anywhere from once to three times a night more manageable.  You haven't slept through the night but a few handful of times since birth.  I am sure it will get better as you get older, but in the meantime I am groggy enough to enjoy the snuggle before I cart you back to your own bed.

*You are independent. You always have been. You want to do it yourself and with no help.  This also goes for being around others and in public, you are raring to go and I have to often times pull you back or you might flee!

*Independence stems from your outgoingness, or maybe the other way around. You love to be around other people and there isn't a shy bone in your body! You will shake hands with anyone who sticks theirs out, and you offer your name and a "hi" to random people everywhere---which almost always turns a smile or starts a conversation. Your love and smile are contagious and you win people over in a matter of seconds.

You are a beautiful, brave, charming little boy who has his mama wrapped around all of those 10 perfect little fingers!

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2 Responses to "Four...And A Half"

  1. What a sweet post about a sweet boy!

  2. Thomas is just perfect!!! (I started my 3 year post for J a week or so ago, and I pray I don't forget anything that I'll really want to remember in a few years!)


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