Thomas Reads His First Word

So, I have been working this summer trying to get Thomas interested in learning to read.  As you can imagine: no dice!

I did letter sounds, sounding out things we saw.  Nope, no interest.

It hadn't occurred to me to try sight words first like I did with Gracie. (She had no interest in those despite the fact that I labeled everything in her room with cute post it notes.)

Not only did Thomas learn his first sight word, I think I get double extra points for the word it was!!

We were in church this morning and Thomas wanted me to move his finger along the bulletin for the part we read aloud, and later in the hymnal. I have done this many, many Sunday mornings, but this morning he grabbed my hand and put it on his finger so, I wouldn't forget. Well, the second song we sang, I had the page ready and whispered to him "What is that word?"

It was the first word of the song. I told him "it says "God." And, after that he said "God" whenever he saw G-O-D.

I am a proud mama.

Now, I would have been proud and brushed off the accomplishment, but when we were in the car on the ride home he found Gracie's Bible in her church bag and decided he was going to read it now. He was feeling big now that he had learned a whole word.

And, this kid learns fast--he "Read" the Bible with such eloquence
from the back seat.

That's my boy!

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