Back To School Night

Gracie seemed excited to share her teacher, and her desk and her artwork with mommy tonight at Back To School Night for 4th grade. Of course she was really more excited to go because the book fair is happening and parents can buy books tonight.

But, I digress...

Gracie's teacher yet again proved how great this year is already shaping up to be, and how much it looks like the next two years are going to be so good for Gracie (4th and 5th grade loop at this school so you stay with the same teacher). 

I was impressed by her "presentation," and really intrigued by the reasons that my daughter will benefit from an all girls class. She went over some studies and research on the subject and even listed an article. I will have to read it, but honestly, I am already seeing great things in these few short weeks.

Clearly this will be a good year, and I am thrilled that Gracie has once again been blessed with a wonderful, kind and caring teacher!

And....she got a book.

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1 Response to "Back To School Night"

  1. Book Fair= rip off! I'm glad she is off to a great start in fourth grade. I'm beginning my ninth year in fourth grade! LOL I have thought about looping, but there's always that one child that makes me think negative thoughts about looping. Wow...and all girl class! I've read studies on this, and I would LOVE to try it at my school. I doubt it will ever happen though.


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