Back To Story Time

We are very big story time people.  Well, Thomas and I are. We have been going since we moved here. But, to be fair, Gracie and I ALWAYS went when we lived in Strasburg, even after she started school.

Our library here has story times for each age group, and Thomas has worked through the ranks from Mother Goose to toddler and now preschool.

I was reminded me of that since we had Mrs. Hooper for story time today instead of Ms. Carolyn.  We haven't had her regularly since Mother Goose.

We haven't been regularly since spring! We never miss as much library time as we have since the end of the school year last year. Our summer wasn't exactly packed--but we got out of the habit I am very sad to say.

But, school is back in session, and now we are back in the library.

We did a number theme today and Mrs. Hooper did the Monkeys in the Tree and the Alligator song, and the alligator got each child's foot.  I had to pull the camera out. ;)

Thomas did a number craft as well, and mommy's crafty obsessive compulsive disorder help made it nice and nearly perfect pretty.

When we were done Thomas wanted to check out the books himself, which was so neat to see, because he can now reach the counter and slide the books under the scanner.

And, as a bonus: Ms. Carolyn was there at the checkout.

We usually go on Wednesday mornings, but preschool will interfere this year, so we went today (Tuesday).  We asked Ms. Carolyn and she does story times on Wednesday and Thursdays, so we might change our days to Thursday (we adore Ms. Carolyn) or take turns each week.

Either way, story time has been a great way for Thomas to interact and read and for both of us to get out of the house and break up the week.

You want to see a picture from his first story time...of course you do!  It was September 2010

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2 Responses to "Back To Story Time"

  1. I'm thinking about taking Bryce to your Tuesday story time next week since we'll be at MOPS next Thursday during our regular time at our library.

  2. I wish we had something like this! Of course, I could only take J in the summer. The picture of his first story time melts my heart!


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