Another Church Bus Ride

The things that thrill my child.

Well, when he found out that Bryce's church group was going to get to ride the church bus tonight, boy was he excited.

I don't know if I didn't hear last week, or I just wasn't paying attention, but the obsessive mom in me was disappointed I didn't know (or remember) ahead of time: I totally would have put him in better clothes and vacuumed his car seat! I know, I know...

I left a bouncing Thomas, and his car seat at Bryce's church and headed out to do grocery shopping--without kids.

When I returned, I realized what else I would have done if I had known: grabbed the camera! I almost always have it on me, but I had blogged earlier today and downloaded pictures and left the camera next to the computer.

Thankfully I have that trusty camera on the phone, and thankfully I got there before they pulled back up at the church. So, I have some grainy pictures of the excitement.

Now, from what I could understand from excited preschoolers coming off the bus, they drove around and practiced their songs that they are going to sing next month for a special church service, and while they were out they got to go and have ice cream at McDonalds! Of course, that was clearly the most exciting part.  These wonderful people spoil my child rotten, which is understandable since those in charge are Bryce's grandparents. Leave it to Grandmas and Grandpas to come up with the idea of riding around town on the bus to sing and to get ice cream.

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