G Is For...

Goodwill!  Where we scored this awesome school bus back pack. Now, Thomas LOVES his fire truck one, but you know how he is with buses, so I couldn't resist. Well, the begging (the cute kind) helped the purchase as well.  And, this solves a Friday backpack solution.  Since his fire truck backpack is too small to hold his Homework folder and/or his lunch box and/or his library book, we have to take last year's backpack once a week.  Well, it is fading... and it isn't a school bus! The bus is just enough bigger to hold the folder sideways and the lunchbox.

Which brings me to--

Garbage Trucks!  Thomas picked out his Chuck the Truck Garbage Truck (named Rowdy) to take in for show and tell today.

You think he will find a car/truck/mobile something for every letter? I betcha he can!

And since the teachers notified us at drop off this morning that preschool pictures were in--G is also for....

Great opportunity!  I got to arrive just early enough to not only view the pictures (I didn't know I would have to go to their room, I thought they would be in the office), but get to see all of Show and Tell!!!

Yea me!

There is no G in treasure box, but I got to see that happen first hand too.  Each Friday, if they are good all week, they get to choose a prize from the treasure box. Thomas chose candy. (holding in disapproval)

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1 Response to "G Is For..."

  1. Thomas, I love your backpack! Barbara, I know you love your sneak peaks at his days in school.1


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