Back To School In Bewlow Freezing Temps!

Technically they both went back to school yesterday, after what seemed like a VERY long holiday break.

We were expecting the cold spell here in Mechanicsville, but it was clearly more "scary" than I was thinking because the school called yesterday after Gracie got home to announce a 2-hour delay for today!

Why does that make it more "scary?"  Well, our county never closes and even more rarely goes in late--and never have they made either of those decisions before 6:30am the day of!

Gracie enjoyed the later wake up call, but wasn't exactly loving the idea of not cancelling classes all together.

I won't debate the merits of closing schools for extreme cold, because I am not in the business of second guessing our school board, and there were plenty of moms already doing that all over Facebook today! I have no problem with sending her in.  Every day she doesn't miss is a day she doesn't have to make up in June.

I did have her pose for a picture though. I am not certain I have ever seen that number for a degree outside!  We only had to wait 6 minutes or so for the bus, and she was ridiculously bundled up.  And, for a few seconds I didn't get what all the fuss was about--that is until the wind blew! Whew!!

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