Preschool Pajama Day!

It was a near thing!  That pesky snow was not melting yesterday and I was sure they would cancel school again today.  But, we were thrilled that it was only a two-hour delay. That meant preschool was still on.

Now, on Wednesday when they cancelled school, that meant also cancelling pajama day, and Grace and I had two VERY unhappy preschoolers on our hands (thus the sledding play date).  Thomas had even picked out new pajamas at the store Tuesday to wear.

Now, today was going to be Pillow Pet day anyway, so I asked (nicely--I promise) Mrs. Tammy in an email yesterday if the kids could just wear PJ's and bring Pillow Pets today.  Thankfully she had no problem with that idea, and all of us moms crossed our fingers for a day of school for our excited 4'sand 5's.

Thomas excitedly put on his new pajamas this morning, and I pushed Bingo (his puppy pillow pet) into a bag and I tossed his Clifford slippers in his back pack. I swear he asked me 20 times if it was time to go. Since it was a delay, his preschool was only from 10:30-12:30 today, so it was quite a wait. But, we made it!

I had planned to go in and get some pictures of the kids at school, but a BAD attempt at grocery shopping waylaid my plans.

He had a good day regardless. He said they watched Peter Pan the movie, and had pancakes.  A perfect wrap up to the letter "P" week!

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