Preschool Valentine's Day

Oh how I am going to miss the little things--like Valentine's Day parties at preschool. It just isn't the same in big school as they aren't allowed to have parties, and any celebration is abbreviated and glossed over.

Valentine's Day is my FAVORITE holiday, so I am glad, despite the snow on Friday, they were willing to reschedule the party for today.

I got there a little early and I was able to sneak a peek (and some pictures) of a few kids passing out valentines into name bags. I got to see Thomas pass his as well--so I was super pleased.

Once the kids lined up and headed to library, we moms got to work making the whole room sugary pink!

 Grace asked me to plan a game, and since there wasn't a BINGO online for 12 kids, I made up my own. They came out pretty cute.

The kids also decorated their own cookies and I read them a story while we waited, and waited, and waited for the pizza to arrive.

 But, once it arrived the kids dove into their party food.  Since the pizza was a little late, we got to stay a little late at school.  And, of course like all events, we attempted to heard them into a class picture. :)

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2 Responses to "Preschool Valentine's Day"

  1. LOVED your BINGO game! At least we have another party before all the fun ends!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy his party. Shhhhhh...don't tell...but we still party at school. We partied for about 50 minutes! We had way too many sweets, and all of my kiddos made awesome Valentine boxes. I love Valentine's Day at school!


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