Preschool Egg Hunt

It was Thomas' turn for a "Spring" party.  You can't say "Easter" in public school. Oh, how I am going to miss the Biblical "extras" he got in preschool. I am going to have to step up my game to keep those ideals going when he has to be apart of the  "politically correct" next year.

It is always so cute to watch our little preschoolers hunt for eggs.  Of course with Thomas, it can be a tad frustrating as his mind wanders and he has focus issues ;)

The kids got a special lunch for snack provided by us moms, and we did a craft before taking our munchkins out of the classroom for a whole week off.

Of course at this age they love school, and mine always want to know when they can go back (when Gracie was in preschool, Kindergarten and First anyway). Thankfully we are going to Grandma & Grandpa's for most of Spring Break, so Thomas won't miss school and his friends as much.

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1 Response to "Preschool Egg Hunt"

  1. Awwww! So fun! My poor social life at all. She's going to be so scarred!


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