Last Preschool Story Time

Catching a theme yet?

May has been hard on this mama.  VERY hard.

The story time program at our library goes in sections a few months at a time, and then they take a few weeks break, and start up again.  Well, this is the end of the Spring series, and that means the official end of preschool story time for Thomas.

I do try to go during the summer, but I fail a lot.

 I think it is something about not being on a schedule that makes me forget week after week.  Hopefully we will get a few programs and story times in, especially since we bumped in to preschool buddy Henry at the library today!  Maybe we can come up with a few Kitty's Kids reunion library play dates before school starts.

So, typical me, I had to make sure I documented his last preschool story time of the school year.

We just love Mrs. Carolyn, and I just had to have a picture of the two of them.

We did a theme about gardening today, and Thomas planed a mystery seed. Hopefully it will stay alive in the kitchen window and we can watch it grow up nice and big.

Thomas' First Story Time
"Mother Goose" Story Time
September 2010





1 Response to "Last Preschool Story Time"

  1. You are making me sad with all these lasts! If your babies are growing up, that means mine is too!


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