Mystery Seeds
Day 13
I noticed green spouts several days ago, but is has been so hectic around there with all the graduation and end of preschool stuff, that I didn't take the opportunity to show you.
What a better way to start our first week of "just the two of us" than to chart the growth of our mystery seeds?!
It will be just Thomas and I until June 12th. So, while I am feeling over emotional about losing him all day every day in a few months--I can switch gears for at least the next 2 weeks and 2 days and absorb every minute with just me and my little man.
Day 1
May 15, 2014
Education opportunity!
I found a printable seed growth chart online, so we are going to learn measurement and inches and anything else these three seeds can teach us! (we are using the tallest one to chart growth)
I'm sure Thomas is enjoying his time with Mommy too!