Play Ground Play Date

I may have already blogged about how the kids were supposed to get to play on the brand new playground for their hour of preschool Friday, but it was finished late and not inspected in time. So there were many disappointed little graduates.

The teachers suggested a play date at the school later on.

After trying to coordinate 11 schedules, we got every one on board for today.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't on board.

I emailed all the moms and told them that anything less than a downpour wasn't going to stand in my way of bringing a very excited Thomas to play today!

Thankfully the rain did hold off--for about an hour.

The kids didn't seem to care about the cloudy sky or the cool temperatures. And, I brought towels and mopped up the deep puddles on the slides.

All but one child was expected to be there, but we ended up with 7 out of 12. Which isn't bad considering the yucky weather.

When the drizzle did start to come down steady and heavy we went under the pavilion and had a snack.

It was a good morning, and Thomas and his friends had a great time despite the wet!

1 Response to "Play Ground Play Date"

  1. How fun! It's nice that these sweet kiddos are still getting a chance to play together. I hope that some of them will be together in kindergarten in the fall!


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