Another Check Up Over With

This time it was his teeth.  And, the visit went super well.  They saw that his first two teeth were gone, and gave him a super thumbs up on the care and keeping of his pearly whites (the hygienist did warm me that his permanent teeth would likely not be as white. He has some pretty teeth in that mouth!).

Thomas got his first set of x-rays done today, and they both (the hygienist and dentist) made a big fuss over how he was only 5 and did so well for those.  And, he got to see them on the TV in the room (that was pretty cool). I guess we were so excited about getting to see the inside of his mouth, the hygienist offered to print a copy for him to take home and show his daddy and sister.

My good boy picked out a prize from the basket.  I can tell you I was less than thrilled to see that it was a rubbery pink glittery--lizard! Trying to make the best of the creepy thing he was attempting to pretend crawl on himself and me, I asked him "what are you going to name him?"  He didn't even pause, "Jerry."

Okay. Well folks, meet "Jerry."

We had to wait a while for the dentist to come in, and while he was super nice, and made a fuss about his clean teeth and how awesome it was he did the x-rays so well--that was where the good news ended.

His new permanent teeth are coming through, and they are almost completely perpendicular to the tooth line. So, the teeth on either side of the missing one have to come out.  Like now.  So, I went from proud parent, to kind of sick parent as this dentist explains to me that he will have to extract them at another visit.

We now have an appointment with a orthodontist in the office to confirm the dentist's plan, and then he will have them out this summer.

People, my stomach is turning.

Do they give gas to the moms who have to sit in there with the child? I think I will need that.

And no, Thomas knows nothing about this. I  don't see any since in making him think about it until closer to time.

3 Responses to "Another Check Up Over With"

  1. Poor thing! I had too many baby teeth pulled, I can't even tell you how many it was! Good luck. My final tooth was pulled by a different dentist and he was amazing. Too bad all the others weren't that easy!

  2. Oh my! My stomach just fell to my colon FOR you as I read that. I hate teeth and dentists! I can't imagine when J has dental work done. I think I'll need more than laughing gas! I don't think I can even sit in there with her!

  3. Oh my! My stomach just fell to my colon FOR you as I read that. I hate teeth and dentists! I can't imagine when J has dental work done. I think I'll need more than laughing gas! I don't think I can even sit in there with her!


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