Cool Day At Maymont
it was only supposed to reach 83 today, so it seemed like a great day
to do something outdoors that would ordinarily be deemed "too hot to do
today" (by me of course).
So, I thought: let's go to Maymont!
The kids and I love that place, only it is all outside, and it is a LOT of walking, and and not much is covered from the sun.
I am sure that it did not technically get above 83 degrees, but that didn't stop the humidity from punching me 8 rounds and generally kicking my behind.
But, I persevered--through the ridiculous amount of sweat--and I drug the Whitlock's along for the sweaty adventure.
I think we hiked, saw animals, ran (and got soaked) for about 3 hours before we packed up our sweaty treasures and headed back to the car to find a good picnic spot.
It was a humid day--but fun for all.
* We saw the bear--WAY up in a tree!
* Thomas finally fell into the pond where the stepping stones are as I predicted would happen to that child from the first time we visited Maymont. (He insisted he didn't need my hand this time, he could do it by himself--that should have made me even more prepared for the splash that came 60 seconds later). **Picture capture was hilariously coincidental**
* The kids ran through sprinklers that were for plants and not for them and got soaked
* We had several "power up" snack breaks
* We took the hard and straight up path to the Italian Garden
* No one got a bloody injury!

The kids and I love that place, only it is all outside, and it is a LOT of walking, and and not much is covered from the sun.
I am sure that it did not technically get above 83 degrees, but that didn't stop the humidity from punching me 8 rounds and generally kicking my behind.

I think we hiked, saw animals, ran (and got soaked) for about 3 hours before we packed up our sweaty treasures and headed back to the car to find a good picnic spot.
It was a humid day--but fun for all.
* We saw the bear--WAY up in a tree!
* Thomas finally fell into the pond where the stepping stones are as I predicted would happen to that child from the first time we visited Maymont. (He insisted he didn't need my hand this time, he could do it by himself--that should have made me even more prepared for the splash that came 60 seconds later). **Picture capture was hilariously coincidental**
* The kids ran through sprinklers that were for plants and not for them and got soaked
* We had several "power up" snack breaks
* We took the hard and straight up path to the Italian Garden
* No one got a bloody injury!
What a great day! :)
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