Day 50 With Thomas

Today was day 50. I think we have made pretty good use of the past 7+ weeks, and I think I am most excited that I still have 53 left.
In celebration of our 50th day he did his first ever math problems. (Ok, that was a fluke, but still, he was super proud to be doing something similar to Gracie's workbook pages!) And he nailed it!
I have collected workbooks from thrift stores over the years and I tear out the unused pages and categorize them in folders from pre-K thru 5th grade.

I was so proud to see him get math so easily, even in number problem form. Poor Gracie and I struggle in math, but excel in reading and writing. Thomas got math the first time out, but still has to have help drawing his letters. Another plus for doing some practicing before Kindergarten starts.
Days 1-16
Day 17-33
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